A Conversation for mobile phones/the youth of today

Mobile Phone annoyance

Post 1

bable (I am delusional and I can no longer understand myself)

I also want to know if there is anyone who is annoyed by the overpopulation of our world by mobile phones.



Mobile Phone annoyance

Post 2

Researcher 228412

Guess that's a no then.

Lets face it - they're not really THAT annoying.

Like many inventions, the fact that very few people NEED them doesn't mean that they aren't useful and that people should have them. Nobody needed CDs when we had tapes and records and nobody needed microwave ovens - the human race managed to survive for thousands of years without needing to cook meals in under 5 minutes. The point about mobile phones, along with most electronic devices, is that they offer a convenience to the user that is possibly not appreciated until you own one. Or perhaps the reason that you say you don't need a mobile telephone is that you have no friends to talk to on it!

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