That's not a Penguin

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At first glance, this phrase may seem to be very useful. After all, there are a ridiculous number of things which are not penguins. Chairs are not penguins. Standard lamps are not penguins. Even headphones are not penguins. Because of this, almost every time this phrase is used, it will be correct. Anyone who points wildly at a small stuffed dog, and announces loudly and confidently, "That's not a penguin," should be congratulated on their observational skills.

Indeed, the only things that are penguins, are, strangely enough, penguins. So, with this in mind, it's strange that this phrase had ever been designed. I mean, here we are, paying our phrase-tax like good citizens, (which isn't cheap incidentally) and then they go and waste it all on coming up with phrases like "That's not a penguin".

If there were a lot of penguins running around the place, and there was a prize to be the first to spot something that wasn't a penguin, then I could understand this phrase being quiet useful. Proud children would be able to point triumphantly, and announce, "that's not a penguin" without fear of ridicule. As it is, anyone who announces that a sofa is not a penguin is likely to be mocked, even though they are making a valid point, which may have invariable differences to their immediate future. For example, if it was a sofa, they could go and sit on it, whereas if it were actually a penguin they'd probably have to feed it some fish and call up the zoo or something.

Maybe it's the negativity of this phrase which makes a seemingly useful phrase, become relatively useless. After all, the phrase "That is a penguin", although appearing much less in every day speech, is far most useful. Rather than identifying the item in question as anything in creation except a penguin, it singles it down to just that particular creature.

So, I would imagine the point this guide entry is trying to make, is that negativity is never the best way to do something.

Also, I'll leave you with two somethings to ponder. Just because something isn't a penguin, doesn't mean this has to be pointed out. After all, I have enjoyed numerous bars of chocolate without the thought ever even crossing my mind that they were not penguins, even though they were not. The second something to ponder is, that some people are desperate to have anything they write put up on the Internet.

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