My achievements

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Just creating a list of things I've done, in order to remember them,
and as a way to cheer myself up when I feel down:

In memory of...

Creating a place for those who, like I, have lost someone close to
you - a place where you can light a candle, a place where you might
find comfort, or offer comfort

Spicing Up Your User Page

Created simply because I still remember my confusion when I first
became a researcher - I didn't know anything about GuideML, or
HTML, or what this thing called 'tags' were (and pretty new to the
Internet too) - so I thought I'd create an entry to help beginners
(like I used to be) to get started with GuideML

Creating U147915 - a place where anyone - and I mean
*anyone* - can put up an ad (reminder to myself: anniversary due in
August 2003 (3 years) how to celebrate it)

Creating U203563 to help myself and others remembering
when/where our h2g2 friends are, when to expect them being online
and so on...

Writing following edited entries (just listing the ones I've
written on my own):

  • Flamenco (it was really called
    'Flamenco Dance' to begin with, because I don't know much - and
    didn't describe - the other parts of Flamenco, namely the song
    and the guitar)
  • Bashkortostan - an entry I wrote to
    explain the place where the Bashkir smiley - pony comes
    from - see next entry
  • The Bashkir Horse - supposed to be
    more 'allergy-friendly' than other horses
  • Astrid Lindgren - Author (Editor's
    Choice!) - written triggered by the grief when she passed away
    - Astrid, I miss you!smiley - wah
  • How to Fly Via a Free-Fall
    - written because I got all excited when I
    read about it in a Swedish newspaper
  • Icehotel, JukkasjÀrvi, Sweden
    (Editor's choice again - and I was allowed to use my own
    photos!smiley - bigeyes)

Entries yet to be written: Kalevala - Land of Heroes

Apart from the above, floating around in a vague, elf-like manner
being generally friendly and helpful... when I'm not logged in
as my other self U151707

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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