Odd news topics for Odd news fans: First edition.
Created | Updated Dec 23, 2003
Read by Dearie Hedlington
Perceptive reporting for the Blind and their Deaf friends who can read sign from Blind people... Read by the sighted and possibly hearing who might be able to read sign and might be able to read writing... But are wholly uncomfortable around Blind and Deaf people unless they are in a position of superiority... which is why she is now reading the news in a darkened backed-up loo with a tiny malfunctioning pen flash with a green bulb...
Dead dog under a porch in Islington. A sock was found beside it. How many licks does it take to get to the center of the universe? A small determined researcher in Wales is determined to find out. Once he gets the funding from the National Trust. Three small... Two large... A lorry and a long-distance reefer...
In a different note... Youngsters in pain yesterday were astounded to learn. But the stock market took the little dog through the car wash.
We have just learned that this bulletin has been sent through the mails. No one needs to read this trash. I had a hard weekend and I don't think it's fair that you lot should be coddled so.
That person no longer works here.
And now, Edith Piaf, singing the hits of Rod Stewart, beginning with "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy, Maggie Mae?"