A Conversation for A Tale of Two Eras

Thanks for sharing...

Post 1


...your story, Len. I enjoyed reading it. I like autobiographies.

I popped over to your PS and found out a bit about you. My father was briefly stationed in Singapore in the RAF but was mostly in Sri Lanka (signals), around 1950.

Julessmiley - smiley

Thanks for sharing...

Post 2

Len (Snowie) Baynes

Hi Jules
I have a Chinese friend in the Singapore police. Fantastic country - a minor world power with a population only a few times the size of Cambridge.
There the teenagers don't lounge about in ragged jeans; the girls wear pretty summer dresses and the lads neat, clean clothes. No drunks or druggies, and practically no thieving.
We could certainly take a leaf out of their book. Moreover, the island has been build up from scratch by sheer hard work and acumen, after being decimated by the Japanese in WW2.

Thanks for sharing...

Post 3


Hi Len,

I'm afraid I wouldn't be very good there as I tend to wear a pretty summer dress once a year if that!

It sounds very interesting, though.

Julessmiley - smiley

Thanks for sharing...

Post 4

Len (Snowie) Baynes

O Jules
I thought Jules was a male name; if you are indeed female, living in Singapore I'm sure you'd 'do what the Romans do'if you didn't want to be apprehended by the police as a tramp!
I forgot to mention that after the fall of Singapore the Japanese murdered about 60,000 of the most active of the Chinese residents, and appropriated anything worth having.
We have to count our blessing here!

Thanks for sharing...

Post 5

Len (Snowie) Baynes

add to last.......
Their sucess was masterminded and led by Dr. Lee Kwan Yew, who was educated here in Cambridge University, and called to the bar.

Thanks for sharing...

Post 6


Sorry to confuse you with my nickname, Len.

My mother always called it me and it has stuck smiley - ok

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