
2 Conversations

A shovel is a tool used for either digging or moving loose solids, such as dirt or sand. It is excellent at creating, or filling in for that matter, holes of all shapes and sizes.

The construction of a shovel

A shovel generally consists of a long rod or pole, made of wood, metal, or fiberglass, about 5-6 feet (approx 1.5-1.8m) long (henceforth referred to as a shaft) that may have a handle at one end and has a large, flat, surface with a rounded edge at the other end (henceforth referred to as a "blade"). Its design is generally similar to that of a spoon.



A spade is a shovel used in gardening with a shorter shaft than a standard "digging shovel" and a square blade rather than a rounded one.

Snow Shovel

A snow shovel is used for, as the name implies, moving snow from one place to another. Its blade is much wider than that of a standard shovel, and is curved rather than flat. A similar design is often seen on a snow plow, as it is the most efficient at the removal of snow.

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