US troops occupy Teletubbyland

3 Conversations

According to our sources within the Pentagon, the US government is becoming increasingly worried about the actions of a small group in the disputed territory known as Teletubbyland.

An undisclosed source close to the Whitehouse is said to have said, 'You can clearly see that they have been building underground bunkers to hide something - just look at all those ruddy periscopes that keep appearing!' He went on to add, 'We also have proof that they have been conducting experiments with strange pink liquids, which we believe to be chemical in nature.

Donald Duckfeld, the US Secretary for Defense, has said that unless the Teletubbies give up their stocks of so-called 'Tubby Custard', the US will be forced into taking further, possibily military, action.

Latest News


Our reporter in Teletubbyland has just sent in this report:

I'm here on the borders of Teletubbyland and I've just seen several large explosions. There does not appear to have been any damage to the Teletubby headquarters, however, several trees appear to have been completely destroyed... I'll let you know when we know more...


There appear to be heavy civilian casualties from what, at first glance, appears to have been a US cruise missile attack... I've seen at least 5 or 6 wounded rabbits. However, I've no news on the whereabouts of the leader of this region, the infamous Tinkiewinkie...

I'll keep you informed of any further developments as they happen

For the moment there has been no comment from the Whitehouse, although we have had a statement from the Teletubby foreign affairs spokesman, LaLa, who said "EhOh!" and then went on to try to give our reporter a 'Big Hug!'

More news as and when we receive it

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