I ate more than my share, but I brought the toilette papier!

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The New New blob

I ate more than my share, but I brought the toilette papier!

Here at IPR, YFITA, we are preparing for our Annual Employee Picnic at Fortescue Downs, Swopping, Pearlview.

Each year we have a series of events designed to promote competitiveness, motion sickness and fear...

This year the Middle Manglement/Janitorial Staff Rugby match will be replaced by a demolition derby in the car park at the end of the day's other proceedings.

The Pickle-tasting contest that has proven so popular for the last few years has been put on hold until we can figure out who put the Viagra and the Ecstasy in the jars last year...

Some Etonian in the Upper Manglement has taken seriously a comment found in the rear complaint box and instituted Fax races. The engineering staff are so happy about this that it is positively obscene.


the Steno Pool are promising a reprise of last year's Wet Corset contest and rumors are suggesting that someone might actually be wearing them this year...

Several possible contenders for the post of honorary post-picnic debris collector:

1. 8:57 AM

Hate me, hate my car: the investment of time and money should mean something


Ernie's Trumpet

2. 9:57 AM

The Ulitmate Movey Rewiew: IT's Just a bunch of stiffs in stills!


The second to last person you'd ever suspect

3. 10:57 AM

The Dimwit Zone: Bippy, the smartest girl on earth. Chapter One: Bippy is bored. Someone will pay.

Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

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