A Conversation for Why add a page?


Post 1

The Shepherd

I wasn't sure whether or not to discuss this entry ...
smiley - winkeye


Post 2


what entry?You can discuss anything you want,but also you can read it all....and i will be happy to explain some stuff....y the way my journal will soon be overcrowded because when i finish my book the deadly truth i will be writing parts of a new lot on here,like a virtual book!

A dilemma indeed.

Post 3

LL Waz

smiley - space
'What entry' ? Why " Add a page?" of course smiley - smiley.

But can anything be more perfect than the perfect blankness of an empty page?

Now; to post, or not to post, smiley - erm...?

A dilemma indeed.

Post 4


what are u on m8?I got a dilemma for ya....why arent i F******G RICH??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I should be rolling in cash!

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