A Conversation for INTERN QUIZ(WEEK THREE)

Missing Number

Post 1


Hello smiley - smiley

I think the missing one is A1018252

On the links you need to have a space before the numbers

so ...A1018252 wouldn't work but ... A1018252 would.

Missing Number

Post 2


thankyou very mutch mate i was doing it a pressed the rong key then presto it was gone
this weeks all done by the way

Missing Number

Post 3


I don't know any of your tunes this week smiley - sadfacesmiley - wah

They may be a bit too modern for me, perhaps I'll do better next week. smiley - cool

Missing Number

Post 4


cool im planing a 70s one wont go any ferther back than that unless im ask to ill do two seperate one
keep young ones happy they dont know a lot of sixty
but dj`s people who liked the music in that era do...
keep every one happy

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