A Conversation for Hobbes' Social Contract

nasty, brutish, and short.....

Post 1


smiley - dontpanicHobbes most infamous quote was previously longer, but is most often quoted as 'life in the state of nature being nasty, brutish, and short'smiley - sadface. This quote is his motto and is one of many people's favorite sayings about human relations, douglas adams having used it himself (I believe Marvin said something to the effect...). He enlists that the entire purpose of government/society comes to safety because life is somewhat pointless otherwise. And that upon entering the social contract, one must surrender his rights to the society and thus society has the right to sacrifice, restrict, mutilate, or otherwise desecrate his rights in the name of safetysmiley - evilgrin. hobbes was by no means against rights, but if you had seen the middle ages, you could understand why safety would be a main priority. I apologise if I am unnecessarily repeating anything, but I could go on and on....(I've had to learn this a million times over for local debate circuits)smiley - ok

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nasty, brutish, and short.....

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