An essay on the office kitchen, brought to you by our intern, Amica Sway!

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Why I think the damned thing should be outside, near the smoker's shed:

While dissent is not necessarily discouraged around the office around here, it is not usually put on display. Everybody likes to have their little cliquey running arguments.

But, on occasion, someone in the Upper Manglement decides that confession is good for someone else's soul and a crack of light shines into the darkened recesses of our corporate chambers and programming.

It doesn't hurt that her salary here, miniscule as it is, is subsidized by the local "Keep The Hoodlums Off The Streets and In the Offices" council and that the engineers who help her out with her screed will be getting Continuing Education credits...

No, it doesn't hurt at all...

Unless you happen to be listening.

Amica Sway:

I am an intern, here, at IPR, YFITA.

I am seventeen years young and I am reading "French Metaphysical Literature of the 17th century and it's effect on modern Public Health Policy Decision-Making among the Post-Marxist Feminists of East Wessex".

It's a pretty interesting thesis.

I'm glad my mum wrote it for her doctorate in Road Safety.

Anyway, the kitchen.

The kitchen here is an absolute slough of sloppiness.

The whole thing is so filthy and poorly maintained that it should be outside so it can get rained on and occasionally cleaned.

I can hardly believe that adults in the media could be so particular about what they broadcast and so unparticular about what kind of mold is growing in their office kitchen fridge.

Mean people.

Just simply mean, people.

Grow up, clean up, and shut up about the 'younger generation'.

You expect us to clean after you just because you changed some disposable diapers in the past.

What was in those diapers was a lot more pleasant than what you leave in your common kitchen area.

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