A Conversation for Doghouse Tails

Funny that!

Post 1

Post Team

I know exactly what you mean about how shockingly some children behave. smiley - winkeye

I remember my son throwing a temper tantrum once when we were on holiday (aged about 2 1/2). I had a new baby in the pushchair on holiday in Padstow - and steep IS steep in Padstow. He wanted to go to the bird garden again, I said not right now but maybe later. He threw himself about a bit. smiley - wah

In the end, the only option I had was to pick him up and tuck him, kicking and screaming, under my arm whilst steering the baby with the other hand - luckily going *down*.

I got some extremely odd looks from a lot of people who obviously thought I was doing him bodily harm. Better that than laying on the road waiting to be run over though!

I think parents tend to give in far more to their offspring these days just to avoid such public humiliation. As you can see, almost 30 years on and I STILL remember it like it was yesterday! smiley - laugh

Oh - and he stopped as soon as we reached sea level and the quay. smiley - smiley

Anyway, what I dropped by to say was 'great visual painting with words this week'. smiley - ok

shazz smiley - thepost

Funny that!

Post 2


Thanks Shazz, muchly appreciated...wish I could claim careful crafting but alas it is merely the emptying of the mental potato peels...one day I may find a chip worth cooking! Loved wowbaggers entry...now that IS craft!
take care

Funny that!

Post 3


PS I always have a nail and hammer close to hand! The Offsprung (who are actually quite well formed) will testify to that...but yes I too remember those childhood tantrums well. I bet the children of the parents who were about to report you to social services are currently in the priory!

Funny that!

Post 4

Post Team

Oh absolutely!

Probably bend double with constant poundings from and pampering to their 'little dahlinks who never do anything wrong and conned poor mommy and daddy out od all their worldly goods. smiley - laugh

Yes... Mr W told me he used some very labourious hand-crafting techniques for his triumphant return - the affect is just stunning I agree. smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - thepost

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