Gnomon: Fixing Three Minor Bugs in Pliny

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First, a demonstration of the bugs:

Switch to Pliny View

Switch to Brunel View

Bug 1 - borders on tables


In traditional Ripley skins (Classic Goo, Alabaster or Brunel), the table of colour names has a border around each cell and a border around the table. Due to a bug in Pliny, the table currently shows with no border. If you can see a border in Pliny, then the problem has been fixed.

Bug 2 - smileys appearing in the wrong place

This line has a smiley in it, which should be between the brackets: [smiley - SMILEY]. In Pliny it gets pushed to the right margin.

Bug 3 - images being displayed in the wrong place

The Lion of Chaironeia.

This piece of text has a picture to the left of it. In Pliny it gets pushed to the right even if you ask for "left". This is some padding to get the paragraph to have a reasonable amount of text in it. This is some padding to get the paragraph to have a reasonable amount of text in it. This is some padding to get the paragraph to have a reasonable amount of text in it. This is some padding to get the paragraph to have a reasonable amount of text in it. This is some padding to get the paragraph to have a reasonable amount of text in it. This is some padding to get the paragraph to have a reasonable amount of text in it. This is some padding to get the paragraph to have a reasonable amount of text in it. This is some padding to get the paragraph to have a reasonable amount of text in it. This is some padding to get the paragraph to have a reasonable amount of text in it. This is some padding to get the paragraph to have a reasonable amount of text in it.

Cause of Bugs

These bugs are caused by information having been omitted from the pliny.css cascading style sheet which is at

It's possible that this information was originally in another css file which got deleted by accident in the move from BBC to NPL.

The Fix

I believe that by inserting lines into the pliny.css file, these bugs will be fixed. I'd appreciate it if you try these changes. If they don't work, please let me know.

1. Bug in Pliny that prevents borders on tables from displaying even when border="1" is specified.

Add the following lines to pliny.css

div#entry_content table { margin:8px 0px; font-size:0.9em; color:#000; background-color:#ffffff; }

div#entry_content table.border1 { margin:0px; border-collapse:collapse; border-style:solid; border-width: 1px 1px 0px 0px; border-color: #000; }

div#entry_content table.border1 tr { }

div#entry_content table.border1 tr td { color:#000; border-collapse:collapse; border-style:solid; border-width: 0px 0px 1px 1px; border-color: #000; }

div#entry_content table.border1 tr th { font-weight:bold; color:#3B7C92; padding:8px; border-collapse:collapse; border-style:solid; border-width: 0px 0px 1px 1px; border-color: #000; }

2. Bug in Pliny that causes smileys to be displayed against the right margin.

Add the following line to pliny.css

div#entry_content img.smiley{float:none;display:inline;}

3. Bug in Pliny that causes all images to be pushed against the right margin.

Add the following lines to pliny.css

div#entry_content img.left,div#entry_content img.Left,div#entry_content img.LEFT {float:left;padding-right:10px;padding-bottom:10px;}

div#entry_content img.right,div#entry_content img.Right,div#entry_content img.RIGHT {float:right;padding-left:10px;padding-bottom:10px;}

div#entry_content,div#entry_content img.Center,div#entry_content img.CENTER {float:none;margin:auto;padding:10px 0px;}

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