Me and Howard Hughes, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the blurb

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Somebody named JT Roy got busted recently for not writing what they supposedly did and somebody on Oprah's bestseller list got busted for writing what they supposedly didn't.

People let me set you straight: all writers are liars. Trust me. I wouldn't write it if it wasn't so.

Look. Dan Brown wrote a piece of fluff. It wasn't so. It were marketed as fiction. It says so on the book, in writing. As if the first few paragraphs weren't a dead giveaway. Now, "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" by Henry Lincoln and that other chap, that was supposed to be "nonfiction", something the first few paragraphs pretty much give away because it's DEADLY DULL. I don't begrudge Dan Brown's readers their fun. I haven't read the book and probably won't. I mean, if it is in fact a good page-turner for the marginally literate, well, it beats comic books... Right?

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