Comic characters - Heroes of the 20th century

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Comics. An art form that has played a integral part in the growing up processes of almost all citizens of the English speaking world since the mid 1940s.

A big statement? Have you ever met a person who has never read a comic? No, I didn't think so. They are part of the history of us all.

Comics come in many genre including, Romance, War, Humour, Sport, Animals, and possibly the most famous of all, The Super Heroes.

There were earlier forms but Super Hero comics, as we know them, can be traced back to Marvel Comics formation in America in the 40s. Join me on a nostalgic visit with some of the greatest 'Heroes' of all time.

The Phantom - He lived in a cave in the jungle, his best friends were his horse and his wolf, and you could never, ever see his eyes. Old jungle saying: "He who looks upon Phantom's face shall die!" So enigmatic, so primal - verily, he was the secret, two-fisted weapon of the id.

The Punisher - Bad guys killed his wife and kids. So he stitched up an outfit with a huge skull covering the chest, and murdered scum without remorse. He fought dirty.

Popeye - Ugly as sin, dim of wit, this tattooed love-boy was transformed into a violent lunatic when he fuelled his brain with spoons of spinach. Genetically modified spinach, no doubt.

Batman - He lived in a cave, his best friends were his jail-bait boyfriend and his butler....but, when night fell, he was beautiful, athletic, a right b*****d.

Daredevil - It was always night for Daredevil, who was blind, but trained in the dark arts. His first girlfriend, Elektra, was a Ninja; his second Karen, worked as a porn star; you bet he had issues. He was always angry.

Superman - The big boss. But he was also such a dammed square. So morally uptight, so American, so boring. Great outfit, though.

Sergeant Rock - Oh, he was cool. He lead Easy Company through untold World War 2 skirmishes in the European theatre, always dog-tired and unshaved, chompin' his cigar and killing Fritzes.

The Incredible Hulk - "You wouldn't like me if I got angry!" Put in a filthy mood, mild Bruce Banner would burst his shirt, turn green, snarl like a dog, and tear everything apart. Excellent role model.

Judge Dredd - "I am the law!" Quite right. There was only ever one sentence that the 2000AD character liked carrying out, and it surely wasn't community service. Put it this way; he never met a second offender.

Captain Haddock- Er - heroic? Tintins best mate was a drunk. But, when he really tied it on, the guy swore his bloody head off, and protected the good world from....everyone he didn't like.

Iceman - Bobby Drake youngest of the five original X-men and the chilliest comic character since 'The Penquin', is able to control and manipulate cold. A side effect of this is his ability to create any object he chooses out of ice using the moisture present in the air around him. Extremly handy character to have around when the bars ice machine breaks down.

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