Life, the Universe and Everything

3 Conversations

Studies made into the planet Earth have found that life is not easy and can be pretty hard, saddening and annoying at times. Life is full of ups and downs, arguments, wars, missed deadlines and billions and billions of people. The studies show that the planet Earth is inhabited by bi-pedal hominids with very little hair (compared to other inhabitants of the Earth) and an impressive degree of intelligence. Generally, hominids are two-legged vertebrates that walk upright with upper limbs and very little hair (depending on their planet of origin). The hominids of the planet Earth are by far some of the most impressive hominid creatures of the galaxy. They walk and stand upright and can use their upper limbs as tools to grasp and handle objects. They have mastered how to use their intelligence to make Earth a better place (although not all of these hominids use their intelligence for good) and most impressively, how to make sounds and other noises into a form of verbal communication known as talking. They have used this verbal communication, which is made up of letters stringed together to make what they call words, to name many of the things on their planet. They have also learned how to use the world around them for their benefit. These hominids are divided into two groups, one generally taller and more muscular with little hair, the other generally smaller with weaker muscles and more hair. The first is known as 'male,' the second is known as 'female.' Females carry organs where the young of the hominids develop and grow until they are big enough to leave the female and reach the outside world, a process known as 'giving birth.' These marvellous hominids call themselves humans.

Over 70% of the planet Earth is made of a liquid substance made of tiny two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms which cannot be seen by the naked eye. The humans call this substance 'water.' The total amount of water on Earth is called 'the sea.' The remaining 30% of Earth is made of a hard, rock substance which they call 'land.' This land has been drifting slowly apart for millions of years, and has now formed what they call 'continents.' These humans live on the land, but not in the sea as their organs for absorbing oxygen which they need to survive cannot do this beneath the water.

As mentioned earlier in the studies of planet Earth, they found that life can be very hard and bothersome, but it can also be very rewarding and enjoyable. Humans have learned that life is a curious mixture of the two, but they cannot control whether life is enjoyable or very unpleasant. They have taught themselves to get the best out of life as they cease to function, a process they call 'dying,' after about eighty or even ninety years of life on the planet. Unfortunately, some cease to function before this amount of years.

The Universe is huge, really huge. In fact, it's so huge that it would take you many years to reach the other end. Vast areas of it are black, empty and silent, which the humans have named 'space.' In the Universe it is thought that there are ten small regions of space known as 'galaxies.' The galaxy where humans live on Earth is known to them as the 'Milky Way Galaxy.' The nearest galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy is the Andromeda Galaxy. Humans have so far only explored the galaxy in which they inhabit, i.e. the Milky Way Galaxy. They have engineered machines called 'spacecraft' or 'space rockets' which can propel them into space and enable them to survive in the oxygenless region of space. Other space-travelling machines such as 'probes' and 'satellites' which do not have a human inside have travelled deeper into space.

Everything else? Well, if the studies told you everything on the planet Earth, a) the studies would be almost infinite, and b) the Earth wouldn't be such as mystery to us would it? It would be better to see the Earth in a more mysterious way so one can marvel at it and think what it would be like to live there.

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