The Self-Closing Tag in GuideML OR: How To Make A Rule And Then Brake It. (WORK IN PROGRESS)

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two sets of <> <> brackets

The <> <> can contain certain letters that act as commands. These commands tell whatever goes between the brackets how to behave, by being bigger, shorter, indented left or right or even turning it blue.
you can also use GuideML to display pictures

the reason that there are two brackets is because one is what I will call an "open bracket" and the other is what I will call a "close bracket."

The open bracket is just < command >

The closed bracket looks like this < / command> the same as before but with a "forward slash" through it.

Basically what this does is to the tell the parsar (the technical gubbins that translates all the code into what appears on-site) the 'area' within to which the brackets command operates.

All GuideML bracket commands are in Capital Letters. This cuts down the number of items the parsar has to look out for to translate (26 instead of 52) which makes the site run quicker. (YAY!!)

So for instnce here are some very simple GuideML 'Tags' (another word for 'brackets')

These put text into bold, italics and underlined.



<B>This would appear in Bold</B>
<I>This would appear in Italics</I>
<U>And this would appear Underlined</U>

Any Page which is your (i.e you User Space or one created by you) can be edited by you. There will be on all of these pages a button called "Edit Page" - this open up a page that has a text-edit-box and is the same as the one you used to write your introduction with when you first joined.

At the bottom of this page will be two check boxes one that says "Plain Text" and the Other says GuideML. Next to that will be a button that says "Change Style". This is not a request to ditch your nifty corderoy slacks - oh no! (:-P) - but the user-friendly way to make a page ready to use GuideML. Simply select GuidemL and press the button. Ta-da!

An important thing to notice is that all open tags are closed again and that none of them over-lap.

You'll notice I've made the word special appear as both bolded AND italicised. The tags can go either way around each other but they cannot be 'muddled'.

i.e <B><I> "XXXX" </I></B> - will work.
but <B><I> "ZZZZ" </B></I> will not- because the closing tag for the the 'bold' occurs before the close bracket for the 'italic' tag and the parsar will reject it like spitting out a bad penny.

So that is everything you ned to know pretty much about the rule for using tags in GuideML: an open bracket must be closed again. <> </>

And that would be that but for several important exceptions.
Nearly all GuideML tags have their 'partner' - in that one is open <> and the other closed </>

but a minority do not.

They are known as "self-closing" tags. The complete tag still contains a command and a 'close' "/" slash but rather than being at the front of the command they appear at the end.

rather then telling the space between the tags how to behave the tag itself bcomes an object that behaves in a certain way.

The quickest example of a self-closing tag is the "line break". <BR/>

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