Days of Merry Winkage

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Days of Merry Winkage

Be froodle for a moment and imagine if you can

In the days of merry winkage long before the rise of man

When wribble sticks were common in the foothills of The Froon

And nooblings coincided with the cycles of the moon

There was nothing in the wrimbles, even less upon the fnoo

The inhabitants of Blarkle looked like neither me nor you

It wasn't in the flockets of the waddling bimblebod

Its absence from the whole of Upper Basildon seemed odd

It was missing from the Widgeloos, and hidden from the sneet

Lost amongst the non-existent, hidden by the incomplete

Consumed by gribbly fidgeons and bediddled by the fnick

The nooblers wanted answers, they wanted answers quick

Well the answer wasn't coming for at least a mildred-blatt

So we might not ever know what all the nooblers made of that

But at least if you should ever find yourself upon the Froon

You can tell which way to look by flicking bumblies at the moon

smiley - blackcat

The Snockerty Friddleâ„¢

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