A Conversation for Music Sharing and Its Impact on the Industry
music sharing
hollypuppy Started conversation Mar 23, 2003
I was an avid user of napster before it shut down, and in all honesty I can attest to it's beneficial nature to the industry, as far as increasing sales are concerned. I had several songs in my head from childhood, as well as my high schooldays, and songs that I had only heard a few times and was able to find out, through using napster, who the songs were by ( there are so many with the same names it is almost impossible to just look at a listing and know who did what), and in the end I got the songs I was looking for, but also went out and tracked down other works by alot of these artists. Two examples of this would be Todd Rundgren, who was so huge in the u.s when I was a kid, and now I have, I believe all of his cd's that were released in the us. And to me , after only hearing a few hits as I grew up, I found that he is such a talented songwriter and musician now, I would have never known that if I hadn't had the oppertunity to rediscover his material on napster. (This in my opinion gives many artists a chance to aquire a whole new generation of fans).
I had a similar thing happen with Kyle Vincent. I heard 1 song in a grocery store, never heard it anywhere else, and began my search to find the name of it and who sang it. I looked off and on for 2 years, in record stores, on the internet, And finally found out through downloading 12 songs, one of them was a match. I now have 3 cd's of his as well. I was inspired to the point of wanting to hear more of what they had done. The record companies have taken away something that would have proven very lucrative financially and publicity wise for themselves ans well as the artists they represent. hollypuppy
music sharing
OwlofDoom Posted Mar 23, 2003
I've done the same thing with a number of artists. I heard one song but didn't know whether I liked the whole band based on that song (sooooo many one-hit wonders) so got one or two others from AudioGalaxy (when it was around) and then got the album later.
You have all Todd Rundgren's CDs? My dad was a massive fan when he was younger, but could never have had _all_ of them, there were about 16 or 17 weren't there (as Todd Rundgren, and another 4 or 5 as Utopia)?
music sharing
hollypuppy Posted Mar 28, 2003
I tried to send this earlier but I was disconnected while waiting for it to go through,doesn't look like it made it. Todd Rundgren had close to if not as many as 60 releases from nazz to utopia as well as on his own, and as I said earlier, I was under the impression that I did have them all, however I did a quick check, and found out I only have around half. I now have some more searching to do, some stuff I have on vinyl, some tapes, or cd's, there is a cd rom which I would love to track down and also a web site called patronet. I don't have a membership, but I bet it's full of very profound things.I saw him last year at the excel energy center, he came with hall and oats. I was shocked that he had no band with him, but soon discovered he is so gifted he really needs no one else with him to be great. hollypuppy
music sharing
OwlofDoom Posted Mar 28, 2003
Blimey! Are you talking about single-releases there too? I was just on about albums, and not those that have been re-released/digitally-remastered etc.
I suspect there are more than my original guess, but... sixty?
music sharing
hollypuppy Posted Apr 5, 2003
HEY, Owl, can I call you Owl? Yeah, I am pretty sure around sixty, I got curious after reading your message back and hit in 'Todd Rundgren discography' in my search engine and there were a few bum leads but I came across an actual discography and did a quick count, it was about sixty. I am not sure if any were re-released but there didn't appear to be any duplicate titles, as I said it was only a quick check, but around sixty!
I can't wait to hear what else he has done! I was lucky enough to track down some sheet music to certain songs of his, and what's wierd is that 'hello it's me' had two different versions in sheet music, I know there are two versions to the song but haven't played it yet to see if it was transposed to both or if one was just jotted down by someone trying to sell a 70's compilation of 'not too difficult to play songs' (one is real easy and the other would be more challenging if you weren't used to playing much). I also saw a 45 on e-bay of "hola yo soy"( roughly translated, hello it's me) I don't know if it was actually in spanish or just had a spanish title, also not clear on if it was released in mexico or spain, either way if it was done in spanish I would love to hear how he did it, probably an entirely different version there too. Love that versatilty! Anyway, I don't believe that was listed on the discography, so including overseas or southmerican stuff, I bet there are at least 100 releases of his actual work,( not including all he's produced, although alot of that stuff is really good too, the man has taste and a talent for putting out the best possible finished work.) Ever heard of Kyle Vincent? He is also a wonderful talent! As of yet, not so widely recognized, but one hell of an artist as well. Well, I have gone and rambled myself into somewhat of a musical stupor!
.... My only vice, I can't complain, I admit fully to being a music junkie. Everyone needs something to blow time and money on... ...
music sharing
OwlofDoom Posted Apr 5, 2003
Owl is fine!
Tbh, I'm not surprised he's released so much music. My dad bought an album by him that is all bossa-nova versions of his earlier records (mind you, he said it was c*ap too). I must admit to not owning anything by the man myself, although that doesn't stop me being (as you put it) a music junkie too ... when I was at college (still living with my parents, and part time job at McDonald's, hence plenty of money) I reckon I would buy three to four albums a week. Now I'm living with Nitina, it's the final year of university, got wedding and honeymoon etc etc to pay for, that number is going down all the time (I reckon it's down to about 2-3 per month now ).
As for Kyle Vincent, I've heard _of_ him, but can't put a sound to the name...
music sharing
hollypuppy Posted Apr 9, 2003
HEY OWL! Wow! Bossa Nova! Which album is that? I have a new search to begin now! As for Kyle Vincent.. well, picture.....Barry Manilow, Todd Rundgren,mmmm... maybe some... Eric Carmen,(ya know that song by his old band the raspberries, 'go all the way'? that sort of melodic influence.)I don't know who else to compare him to... He's just a very talented singer-songwriter. The song I was so into, and looked for forever was called Arianne, he writes in real melodic keys... can't get a good grip on a description. He just sticks with you , ya know.Hey, congrads on your upcoming wedding!
music sharing
OwlofDoom Posted Apr 9, 2003
Hmm, doesn't sound that much _my_ sort of music really... I suspect my dad and stepmum would like it though...
Thanks, btw! It's only a very short time till Nitina and I are married. Yay!
music sharing
hollypuppy Posted Apr 11, 2003
Hey, I found out which album has the bossa nova stuff you talked about, it's called 'with a twist'. I have a new mission now. Holly puppy
music sharing
OwlofDoom Posted Apr 12, 2003
Good for you. Don't be surprised if it's rubbish though... I haven't heard it myself, but my dad did tell me it's very unexpectedly poor.
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