
15 Conversations

Competition Details | Wings of Gossamer | This Year's Love? | What a Pair! | What a Pair! Part 2 | Weird Sisters | Blinded by the Sun | Squaring Up | Smoke Gets in my Eyes | <smooch> | <nahnah> | Tummy Trouble | Angel Eyes | Marvin | A Corner of a Foreign Field... | 2Legs

2legs, inconsolable at the news that Nighthoover has yet again failed to manifest at the meet, seeks solace in alcohol.1.

Other captions that impressed the Judges were:

Third-place winner of the All-England Shane McGowan Impersonators competition.2.

2legs, inconsolable at the news that the meetup had alcohol, seeks solace in alcohol. 3

This photo was kindly provided by Mina

1Congratulations to BluesShark who wins an h2g2 T-shirt.2Contributed by GreyDesk. 3Contributed by Croz.

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