The Homely Homily: This week, Mr Ermine Trewaxer, concerned citizen without an agenda...

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Inspiration is not always tidy

We here, at IPR, YFITA, continue in our ongoing effort to support the various faiths, beliefs, non-profit organizations and spiritual dispensations that permeate the common world and keep the loonies from cluttering up the....

Oops. Sorry. Wrong pill with the wrong cough medicine.

Anyway, here's Mr. Trewaxer, concerned citizen without an agenda:

Mr. Ermine Trewaxer:

I am a simple man.

I like my bread simple and my Telly.

I like my women simple and my tea.

I like the issues to be explained to me in a simple manner.

If there is no issue, then I do not like it to be talked about as if there is.

If there is nothing to talk about, then nothing should be said.

People should not be able to make a living talking about nothing.

It is a cheat.

There are issues in the world that are today's issues.

People don't need to be rehashing things that happened two thousand or six thousand years ago.

That is talking about nothing.

They need to be talking about what is making people's lives miserable today.

One of the things is people talking when they should be doing.

Diplomats talk.

About nothing.

Sometimes they keep people from doing.

Sometimes they make people do things that don't need to be done.

The only things that really matter are planting and harvesting and then making sure everyone gets something to eat.

Everything else is beside the issue and thus, possibly, nothing.

It's that simple.

I like things simple.

I offer you a simple farewell.

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