Talking Point: Does Giving to Charity Really Work?

20 Conversations

A Charity collecting tin with a poppy and a daffodil
We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.

Dr Loretta Scott

Few people would say that giving to charity was a bad thing, but how many of us do it on a regular basis? This week we want to hear whether you give any of your hard earned cash to worthy causes. If so, how do you give? Do you choose a method that allows the charity in question to reclaim the tax you paid on the sum or do you stick a ten pound note in the collection tin?

How do you decide which cause to give to? Do you favour medical research charities or charities that aim to improve standards of life for those with medical conditions or disabilities? Do you support environmental campaigning organisations or your local wildlife trust? Do you choose to raise funds and get a life changing experience into the bargain or quietly fill in a direct debit form? Or do you think it is all a waste of time?

  • Do you give to charity regularly?

  • If so how? Do you do it by direct debit, do you raise funds by jumping out of aeroplanes or do you drop spare coins into collection boxes?

  • What are your favourite causes and why do you consider them to be worth supporting?

  • Is it better to give to big multi-national charities or small local ones?

  • Do you know want to know how your donation will be spent?

  • If you won the lottery, how much, if any, would you give away?

  • What do you think about the people who stand on the streets?

Graphic supplied by Community Artist SEF


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