The Homely Homily: This week, Paraclete Pete, of the Rainbow Brethren.

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Peace and laughter and small gas-powered armoured vehicles...

We at Irritating Public Radio, Your Friends In The Air, pride ourselves on our tolerance. We haven't yet killed the fellow who keeps putting catnip in the coffee tin.

Of course, everyone needs something to look forward to.

Anyway, here is this week's guest cleric or spiritual guidance counselor, Paraclete Pete, of the Rainbow Brethren, to introduce us to another side of the religious or spiritual visualization tracks.

We must remark, mustn't we, that he was a very colourful addition to our roster of speakers and guests.

We've never had an Ultralite land in our back garden before. Not with such precision and candy being strewn around at the same time.

Though the groundskeeper is still complaining about what that homemade nutted toffee did to his mower...

Paraclete Pete:

Y'know, like,

I was sitting in my VW Kombi the other night, contemplating a bottle of stout that was going down way too rapidly in the volume way,

thinking about how people and the world and the spirits and gods and onions are like an onion.

You cannot seek the truth or your true spiritual level without finding the bubble hidden under a layer of something else.

The layers of reality are varied and many.

You may have a job that, overall, you hate, but there is some kernel of enjoyment in your tasks, maybe just one task or a part of it that you really enjoy.

That may not make everything else that you don't enjoy truly worth it, but you may be the only person in your work place who does like it, so, in that way, in your own little corner of a layer of an onion-like existence, you may be contributing joy to others and adding a layer of enjoyment to an otherwise dreary existence for others, as well.

The other day I was counselling some distraught psychologists who were on a broken spiritual path because most of the funding for their particular fiber in the layer of their career travels had been cut from the local council budget for reasons that they believed were wholly unrelated to any real cause.

I counselled them that for every door that is closed, there is a small gas-powered wheeled vehicle with armour plating that can open it again, or, at the very least, create a new opening in the same wall.

I do not know how much good I did those people, but they did walk away looking at me and each other quite strangely, which, was, praise whichever deity is listening at the moment, better than the downcast crappy auras they were projecting when I first encountered them in the dole queue.

The universe is always laughing at something, if not someone.

Sometimes you just have to laugh along, regardless of the reason or your understanding or lack of it.

Sometimes things are just funny for no reason.

Farewell for now, kind friends and noble enemies.

Laugh in peace!

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