A Conversation for 'Acid Eaters' by the Ramones
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Researcher 177704 Started conversation Jan 31, 2003
I'm curious to know why the sentence "After all, the Ramones' drug of choice was solvent-rich glue, not acid" was removed from the first paragraph in the 'Is it worth buying?' section of the entry. I thought it was quite a good metaphor to sum-up the way that 'Acid Eaters' isn't perhaps the best represenation of the Ramones's work.
I don't really see why this sentence breaks the Writing Guidelines, or why it was removed, other than in a legal sense (ie. it's illegal to suggest that the Ramones took drugs). If that's the case, just check out the lyrics to 'Now I wanna sniff some glue' or the cause of Dee Dee's death
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Auberius Posted Feb 3, 2003
I know this has nothing to do with the original post, but if we are being pedantic about an entry, I'd like to point out that line eight of "London Calling" is actually 'Phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust.'
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Ashley Posted Feb 5, 2003
Hey Rocketman,
I've added the sentence again with that comment about the song ('I Wanna Sniff Some Glue').
I've also amended the Beatlemania text.
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