Boat Races- Caius Style
Created | Updated Dec 30, 2002
at a recent boat club dinner (an event at the end of each term of for thsoe that row) at my college, that i attended, the dean of Caius college claimed that the drinking game of "boat races" was invented at caius college by a boat-club captain in the 1920s, and in althogh he is (supposed to be) a man of God i do strongly doubt his claim. whether this claim is true or not as the game itself is a great team sport and is included here...
boat races are peformed on long dining tables, on which people sit on either side, the sort that are found in nearly every communal eating area. everyone sitting on a table is notified of the impending boat race and charge their glasses. at a predertimined point the two people sitting oppostite each other at one end of the table stand up and, as quickly as possible, down their drinks and then sit down. when they do this the next person stands up, downs their drink and sits down. the winning side is the first to reach the end.
N.B. this article forms an addition to a previous article about drinking at Caius... A882722