Chitzen Itza

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A9041816 | A9041168 | A9041825 | A9041834 | A9041861 | A9041933

On the limestone Yucatan pennisular protruding from the main body of the country of Mexico stands the remain of one of the most amazing cities of the Mayan people Chitzen Itza. Is one of the best preserved and fascinating ancient sites in the world today.

The Mayans

The Mayan people have lived in the areas of modern Yucatan, Guatemala and Belize since around 2000 B.C. They probably were a series ofdifferent tribe who slowly evolved a common language and a common identity. Unlike their warlike neighbours the Mayans had no central feudal powerbase. Instead they were divided into a series of smaller city states each of which would trade and feud with its neighbours via for power. The key which held the cities together was a shared belief system and a shared language.

Mayan history can be broken into a number of time periods. The Formative or pre-Classic phase which lasted from 500 BC to 325 AD show the emergence of thir culture this was followed by the Classical period 325 to 925 AD in which the nation flourished and the city states grew. This was followed by the Transitional or Interregnum period 925-975 AD here for some reason the culture began to decline and collapse. By the Maya-Toltec or Mexica period 975AD-1200AD the Mayans were showing strong influences from the nearby nation of the Mexica1 and finally the Mexica Absorption 1200-1540 AD in which the Mayan nation became part of the Aztec nation until its collapse with the Spanish invasion.

The Mayans diet was based around the maize plant, this required a strong knowledge of the seasons and time to ensue it ewas sown, cared for and harvested properly. This intimate knowledge of the year and time would slowly develop into the Mayan calender and this passage of time would become the major formative part of their religion. The religion was based on the cycles of universe wether it was the cycle of the yearly seasons or the internal cycle of a womans body or the timely motion of the sun, moon and stars. The religion centre on the passage of time subsequently the Mayans were highly skilled in astronomy, writing, numeracy and mathematics. At the height of their power the Mayan scholars would rival any scholars in Dark Age europe.

Chitzen Itza

Chitzen Itza was a Mayan city that appeared sometime around 700AD in the classical period. The Mayans as a whole nation were rural people and the cities were not for large living population but were more for religious and ceremonial centres. The largest population lived in the lowlands of Guatemala whilst Chitzen Itza as a nothern city right on the fringes would compared to the more southerly cities have been quite culturally marginalised. Yet it is still a fascinating example of the Mayas culture.

The Pyramid of Kukulkán

Standing some 79feet high2 the Pyramid of Pyramid of Kukulkán is hardly the largest in Mesoamerica yet it could certainly claim to being the most striking. Kukulkán was the Mayan name for the Toltec and eventually Aztec God Quetzalcoatl who came to be prevelent all across mesoamerica. However the spanish name for the pyramid was El Castillo, the castle, and it is often called this in guide books. The Pyramid was probably a simple temple to the god Kukulkán yet it shows remarkable proof of the Mayans knowledge of the heavens. Every equinox the sun the rising and setting sun causes the Pyramid to create a shadow of a snake slowly appear and then disappear. It is also possible to enter the Pyramid and climb a steep set of stairs which are formed from the outside of an older stepped pyramid which Kukulkán was built on top of. at the top of the stair case is a small room brightly paint with red and jade spots. Inside the room is a carved stone throne from the site.

The Ball Court

There have been seven ball courts found at Chitzen Itza, by far the most impressive is the huge 166 by 68 meters3 ball court found near to the Pyramid of Kukulkán. This court designed to play the sacred Mayan Ball Game is by far the largest found anywhere in mesoamerica. It is lined with carving showing players playing the game.
1Aztec 224 metres3545 by 232 feet

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