A Conversation for 'The Tweenies' - the TV Programme
e[version] Started conversation Feb 13, 2003
Another gem! Although not so full of interesting facts as the Teletubbies one. My vote is with Milo. Caught him taking the mickey out of the Fast Show 'Jazz Club' sketch the other day...Nice...
Wand'rin star Posted Feb 14, 2003
The best thing about this programme is that it's a cure for jet lag. (It was on at some awfully early hour over Christmas)Wake up to the jolly rushing about, make a cuppa, take it back to bed with you and fall asleep during the quiet story telling bit. You then have something to talk about with the neighbours' three year old later in the day at no cost to your nervous system. Thanks for the info, guys.
e[version] Posted Feb 14, 2003
That's good. You should add this to the conversations here:
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