Me..Myself and I

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What's the use of having your own space if you're not going to bore the pants of anyone who happens to drop by blathering on about yourself...I always say. So, just incase you wanted to be placed into a coma, here's a short profile of me:

Live:South Western Suburbs of Sydney, Australia. An ancient continent where some believe the Garden of Eden existed...that is, until El Nino dried it to a husk...but it's still lovely.

Occupation:A Library Technician (i.e. Librarian, for the world outside Libraries)

Hobbies:Spending time on H2G2 seems to be a major hobby at this present time, but I also love writing, taking photographs and climbing all over the Blue Mountains. When I can get all three together and get paid for it, I'll be in heaven. I love reading and I guess that leads to another subheading...

Loves: Beside the above hobbies, my pets; which aren't a hobby, more of an extended, really hairy family. At present there are four dogs and I love them all unequally. They are the children of the household and unlike children, you don't care so much if their room is a mess, the teenage years are over in a few months and there's no pocket money to dish out...though rides in the car are still demanded.

Hates:I guess I let myself in for this one by mentioning loves. Um.....oysters...I've tried, I've's like swallowing phlegm, but at least you know where phlegm has been...sorry to all those who love these little suckers. Being the butt of someone else's jokes...but I guess that's pretty universal. People who walk around with their brain switched's a waste of air, frankly.

Future:Another careful what you wish for, you might just get it! There's things I'd like to do, own my own place, travel a little, write a novel that people actually pay to read. But I'll take what comes, I believe in seizing the opportunity when it presents itself; others would say you need to make the opportunities...but frankly...I'm just too lazy.

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