The Snows of This Year

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The Snows of This Year

Bridge over Redbank Creek in snow.

Snow is kind of a problem around here. All morning, the weather radar people kept extending the warning of a 'snow squall' passing through. No snow. Nice and clear. I get into the car to go to my appointment. I back out of the garage.

Driving snow. Oh, goody: limited visibility for the next 15 miles. Fog. Headlights in my rear view mirror from the impatient pickup truck driver who finally charges past me on a rare straight stretch of road. I slow down from 40 mph to the required 35 mph while going through Corsica. No sign of the pickup truck. I hope he triggered a camera and gets a ticket.

I come out of the dentist's office: fat snowflakes, photogenic but annoying. Ha, ha. Make it to the supermarket.

Pull out of the supermarket lot: sudden sunshine. The weather is laughing at me. Also, that groundhog can't wake up fast enough.

Update: The perfidious rodent saw his shadow. All right for you, Phil: you're back snoozing in the Punxsy Public Library with Phyllis and the chucklings. You don't have to drive to Brookville for the dentist.

At least I got you some nice pictures.

Dmitri Gheorgheni Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

10.02.25 Front Page

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