Train of Thought

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Train of Thought

Another fiery apocalypse.'

Imagine an old steam train. Black as night, from smokestack to caboose. Thirteen black carriages, darkened windows reflecting the fire from the engine.

An impossibly stoked engine. Flame and smoke endlessly erupting, as the firebox sends furious power to the wheels.

The train moves at impossible velocity along an equally impossible track.

Steel curves. Upward and around for miles upon miles. Joining itself into an impossible wheel.

Round and round the loco rushes, gathering speed with each revolution, steam, smoke and fire enshrouding its path.

A glowing wheel of dark heat. Round and round. Eternally furious. Burning energy that simply should not exist. Fuelled by its own eternal motion.

Frightening power, even more so when that dreadful track only exists in your own head.

Michelle gripped her tea, fingers cold and white against the warmth of the �World's Best Agent� mug.

In thirty-one years she'd never felt the engine move so fast in her mind's eye. Never felt that much power desperately trying to escape her mind.

Flame and heat engulfed her senses.

The mug shattered in her hands, her audience gasped as she opened fiery eyes.

She tried to talk calmly through the furnace of her senses.

�27th June, 2026. Washington. USA. 9.17 am.�

Deep under Whitehall, the grey office of MI6's Esper Unit erupted into a flurry of frantic activity.

The Director spoke quietly into the red phone, briefing the PM.

�Yes, Ma'am, date and time now confirmed by all three Echoes. Less than 600 days. Total Global Extinction. Yes, sorry, Ma'am, I'm afraid so.�

Michelle gratefully accepted a fresh mug of tea, thankful that the impossible train of thought had vanished.

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