Deathlist 2024 Scoreboard

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Fancy line breakA Lily, symbol of mourning.Fancy line break

This is the scoreboard for the '2024 Deathlist', which is run by Icy North. The game was created by Mu Beta.

Researcher nameJohnsIrwinEpsteinPerezCormanColemanBurrowRussellPopplewellSutherlandDohertyNewhartBranyasCopeSoperSmithSpencerTinniswoodCarter         Running total
Bald Bloke  15    10                    25
Bluebottle1010 1515  10  15 15   15           105
coelacanth10          10                20
Deb 10                          10
Galaxy Babe          1510                25
Icy North          15      1510         40
Just Bob                  10         10
minichessemouse               10            10
MMF         15     10  10         35
Mol                            0
Oblong Fish      30                     30
TC10                           10
The Groob     15  15    1515             60

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