The h2g2 Post 26.02.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 26th February 2024

This week's theme is Things Old and New. Clockwise from upper left: an old bridge in Pen-y-ghent, Wales, a white-on-black image of fingers playing a keyboard, a kestrel silhouetted in flight, a cafe whose door says Open and then Please keep closed, a flooded Scots landscape, an AI-generated parlour of the past with an upright piano, a vew of the top of the Hooverville courthouse, complete with scales of Justice statue, from 3 miles away, a grey tabby cat sleeping on a pad of stars, hazelnuts starting on a stalk, and a cloud of various birds against a blue sky.

How's your week going? Researchers in the UK are complaining about rain. On the European continent, spring is threatening to break out. Here in western Pennsylvania, we have snow some days, sunny days others, and roll with the punches. Willem is having a great time going on expeditions in South Africa. He's been too busy to tell us about them, but he's sent us a bird to tide us over. So it goes.

A lot of you have been either busy, or lazy. I say this because I have been short of new Stuff. So you get leftovers. Actually, it's a great opportunity for me to restore some of the missing bits we lost during the Great Alien Pirate Raid of 2022. I've selected some pieces of writing that you might want to read, or read again. Get some discussions going, please. Jim Lynn tells about an adventure he had with astronauts. FWR shares a romantic moment. I reminisce about the hippie era.

I also dug up a streaming series review I wrote. It's become relevant again because there's a new season out and you might want to read about season one before you watch it. The producers of Reacher seemed to have been undeterred by the scorn I heaped upon them, the province of Ontario, and their bogus peach pie. They were probably more encouraged by the fact that the muscular gent at the centre of the story is wildly popular. You decide.

Remember to send new Stuff. I know there are things going on you want to share. Please keep in mind that you can always send me video clips for my channel, too. The world wants to see your nature footage.

What are not reruns are the stories: first, there's Bluebottle's ongoing graphic novel. The church fête just gets weirder and weirder. Then the five novellas. You'll laugh, you'll be puzzled, you'll be scared, promise. Writing Twitter has been on for a week about how much they hate prologues. We promise all the prologues are over, even the two prologues that I wrote because I was too lazy to start the story. From here on out, it's all action, thrills and spills and whatnot. You'll enjoy these, especially the whatnot.

Please have the best week possible, wherever you are. Remember: the world may still be a crazy place, but don't panic. We're almost through February.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for The Building, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week: Had a mild medical procedure done this week. I told the doctors how I hated having a 'corporeal being' and as they went on to ask what my preferred alternative would be the physician assistant behind them softly said, 'I wish I was a duck.'

I'm going to think about her forever.

Kaleena Rivera on Twitter

A caveman outside his cave.

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Falls of Shin (Scotland)
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Southern Pied Babbler

Southern pied babbler by Willem.



Chapter 5
Music Hath Charms

Lives of the Gheorghenis by DG.


Deep Thought:
Talking to the Past

AI image of a Victorian drawing room with piano, coaxed out of the machine by DG.

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