A Conversation for Milgram's Obedience Research: Studying What Humans Are Capable Of


Post 1

Baron Grim

With authoritarianism on the rise (Javier Milei was just elected Argentinian President and welcomes comparisons to Donald Trump), the Milgram experiments should be low-key on everyone's mind. Many people are wondering why Donald Trump still remains the likely Republican presidential candidate and could easily win election with a few swing state wins even if from behind bars. Why are so many people enraptured with this man? Because he IS an authoritarian. Many people desire authority, especially when it's tied to nationalism, fear, & hatred.


Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I suspect you've hit on something important there - unfortunately.

The ease with which some people justify their mistreatment of others is as troubling now as it was in Milgram's day.

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