A Conversation for 'The Complete and Utter History of Britain' - The Television Series

Complete and Utter Good News

Post 1


This entry is out of date as ITV have announced that they actually hold the complete series in their archive, and it is now available on ITV X (no updated DVD/BluRay announced as yet).

A statement reads,
"It was found by the ITV Archive team as part of a huge project to fully identify every archive asset ITV holds. The series had been sitting in the ITV vaults though mis-catalogued for decades, but through the identification programme we were able to make this remarkable find. We flagged it to our colleagues in streaming, had the film cleaned and restored from the 16mm telerecordings and then finally made available to our viewers for the first time since the original broadcasts."


Complete and Utter Good News

Post 2

h2g2 Guide Editors

smiley - wowsmiley - ok

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