Renfrew's Big Case: Episode 14

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Renfrew's Big Case: Episode 14

Renfrew the robot with a magnifying glass.

Sigismund looked at the clock as he heard a car pulling up outside. "The only person I'm expecting is Marvella. She was going to come by and recommend some changes to my interior decor, but I doubt she's in any shape to do that."

"Did you actually see her get hit?" Beatrice asked.

"No, I had just turned to ask Margaret a question..." He saw puzzled looks Beatrice's face, so he explained. "Margaret is my ex-wife. She ran off to join a circus in Alaska 35 years ago, then moved to Palm Beach, but she heard that our granddaughters were to be featured on Marvella's show today, so she hopped on a plane just ahead of the hurricane, and I met her in the audience..."

"Did anyone else see the attack?" Beatrice continued.

"The audience was heading for the exits, except for Tintinella and Tamboria, who put their hands over their eyes when that awful boy rushed at Marvella with his bat," Renfrew said. "That just leaves station employees, and Marvella herself."

"Who is knocking at the door right now," Sigismund said, heading over to the front entrance.

Marvella smiled as she limped into the living room. "You didn't have to come," Sigismund said as he led her to a chair.

"Why not?" she said. "There's no heavy lifting involved. I had planned to paddle here across the lake in my canoe, but I'm kind of banged up. Let me see what you have. Then tell me what changes you'd like. My androids will set up one of your rooms with new furnishings so you can live with them for a while and see if they really suit you. Aha, I see you like animation." She pointed to the Roger Rabbit video.

"Actually, I picked it out for him," Renfrew explained. "He asked for anything with Betty Boop in it."

"Wow, what a coincidence," Marvella exclaimed. "I have a Betty Boop android in my van. Let me call her in."

It was all Beatrice could do not to laugh. Of *course* Marvella would have Betty Boop in her van. Betty waltzed through the door and winked at everyone.

"Next thing you know, she'll suggest Betty Boop wallpaper," Renfrew said to Beatrice over the Androidnet.

"Betty Boop wallpaper? I have that, too," Marvella said.

Renfrew looked puzzled. "That's what I was thinking about, but I never said it out loud," he protested. "I shared the thought with Beatrice over the Androidnet...." Beatrice nodded.

"Oh, dear, I've blown my cover," Marvella said, reddening. I'm an android. How did you think I could do so many things at once without keeling over from exhaustion? There is one flesh-and-blood Marvella, but she rarely goes out in public, luckily for her after that attack this afternoon. Okay, I must swear you all to secrecy. Name your price...."

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