Renfrew's Big Case: Episode 5

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Renfrew's Big Case: Episode 5

Renfrew the robot with a magnifying glass.

Renfrew was dismayed that Curlew had such a low opinion of current fictional detectives. "Beatrice Anaconda is my favorite!" he started to exclaim, but he was interrupted by a cheery "Did someone call me?" from the next aisle of Androids R We. There, in a long, sinuous black lace gown, was a 25-foot snake that bore a striking resemblance to the covers of the Beatrice Anaconda mystery series.

"Beatrice Anaconda at your service," the snake said, slithering toward the two androids.

"You're real?" Renfrew exclaimed.

"I'm not a flesh-and-blood snake, if that's what you mean," Beatrice purred. "In this climate I'd be hibernating already if I were. No, I'm an android, just like you. I'm here for a tuneup. Now, the woman who writes those books about me is a different matter. I doubt that she's real..."

"But Comet Bright has been interviewed on TV so many t-t-t-times," Renfrew stammered.

"Oh, please," Beatrice scoffed. "Ever hear of actors? Somebody claiming to be Comet Bright gave interviews, but she wasn't the writer who came up with those inaccurate and silly whodunits about me. I'm a detective, and I know these things."

"Renfrew, you're next," came a voice over the P.A. system.

"It's time for my tuneup," Renfrew apologized. "Can I meet up with you later, Miss Anaconda? I want to be a detective too, and I could use some tips."

"I know what case you're working on," Beatrice said with a wink. "Orly Beaugency's death by bathmat."

"You know about it?"

"Honey, it's all over the Androidnet." Beatrice was paged too, but before she slithered over to her cubicle she gave Renfrew some consolation. "If you're worried that someone else will steal your case, relax. Everybody knows you have some inside knowledge. Nail this case, and you will be famous as the ghost whisperer."

Post Novella Project 2022/2023 Archive


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