Create February/March 2023: Winter Food

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Create February/March 2023: Winter Food

A bowl of hot lentil soup, by FWR.

The winter winds blow – at least for a lot of us in the northern hemisphere this time of year. We've even had bomb cyclones. What do you do? You dress warmly. You turn up the thermostat or put another log on the fire. You decide it's a three-dog night and let all the huskies in to share the bed, no matter how much they snore.

And you put on a big pot of soup. Or roast a turkey. Or dig out that recipe for chicken pot pie your grandmother gave you. In other words, you want comfort food. Warm-you-up food. Traditional or new recipe, you want something hot, savory, and lick-the-plate good.

We covet your recipes here. We want to know what to make, how to make it, who to make it for. We want your stories about how you got the recipe, your adventures making the recipe, your favourite memory associated with the recipe…

You see what we mean. We're cold and hungry and curious. Dig out the recipes!

Oh, and don't worry if you can't do all the conversions. If you're cups and tablespoons, or grams and milliliters, just tell us. We'll put the mathematicians to work.

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