Budgie Nesting

2 Conversations

Budgie Nesting

Budgie egg by Tavaron
You can see budgies aren't really great nest builders. they basically just need a wooden box with a small hollow part in the floor and don't improve it any further. In the wild they use hollow trees.

We had 4 eggs and got 2 chicks which hatched 3 days apart. You can see they really grow fast. At first the mother was with them most of the time and the father brought food. Now that they have feathers the mother is outside of the nest quite a lot already.

Watch the budgies grow! You can also see the video at this Post page.

Budgie nest, day 1 by TavaronBudgies, day 7 by Tavaron
Budgies, day 10 by TavaronBudgies, day 14 by Tavaron
Budgies, day 18 by TavaronBudgies, day 21 by Tavaron
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