2 Conversations

As you turn and walk around the MJ12 building, the concrete landscape slopes down and spreads gently outwards. The artificial lights play the colours of an eternal sunset across the city.

As you head down the road, the dull roar of a busy city fills your ears. Slowly the streets fill with people, intertwining with conjested traffic, illuminated by the neon lights of countless shops, buildings, and small vendor's stalls. To one side, a small alley opens.

You cross a bridge over a largish river, and stop in the middle, leaning on the railing and watching the city. The water running underneath you is suprisingly clean, flowing down into an underground resevoir. Beside it, a small beach house can be seen.

Off in the distance, rising up to merge with the steel sky, huge skyscrapers loom over the city, containing the more lucridous portions of certain corporations on h2g2. Behind you, the MJ12 Building rises into the sky.

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