The h2g2 Post: 24.08.20

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 24th August 2020

The Things We Found

Highway Sign Saying 'Covid Safety Plan in Effect' Next to a Trash Barrel by Dmitri Gheorgheni

It's still going on, friends: wear your masks, and keep your distance. But don't panic. This, too, will pass. In the meantime, look around you: this planet and its people have loveliness to share, if you keep your eyes open. And if you keep your camera handy, you can share, too.

From the Virtual Comfort Blanket to the Roadkill of the Week, this issue of the h2g2 Post will show you things you haven't seen before. Possibly things you can't unsee, but you have to take the bad with the good when you mess with hitchhikers.

We've got a lot to show you, so let's get started.
Grasshopper on a Stump by DG
  • That? Oh, that's a convocation of grasshoppers over at the farm. Yes, they give me the willies. But I steeled myself. I had wrangling help from the kids to make this amazing, Disney-level video which you can see on this page.
  • From the Lesser Flamingo (who knew?) to the hooligulls of Normandy, there's plenty of nature to admire here. Bugs. Flowers. A delicate fawn. Butterflies and moths. Name them and praise them.
  • Weirder things have been seen, and whether the witnesses are reliable? You be the judge. The Isle of Wight postboxes are sporting chickens, while the Hoggett farm has a very conceited rooster who stars in his own video. Meanwhile, in fabled Grimsby, there was a dinosaur sighting. Join us for the details.
  • Awix shows you cinema. I discuss the problem of thinking like an ancestor. #beagoodancestor is our motto here.
  • While we're thinking about things, I've invited a writer who should have been a h2g2er to tell us about some history. Ida Tarbell, who was born not far from where the Post Office is these days, practically invented investigative journalism. She was an expert at taking oral histories, too. 'In Lincoln's Chair' is a remarkable look at an enigmatic US president. It will make you laugh, too.
  • Sermons in stones, and messages in shop windows: Factoid Fred sees all, tells all from the north of Scotland.
  • There's humour. Ongoing stories go on. You will enjoy them. Caption a picture and guess at a quiz.
  • As you admire the pictures, don't forget to read the alt-text for further information.
Send more Stuff! This mag won't write itself! And have a happy week!

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Rejection Slip from 1920
Editorial rejection slip, 1920

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Quote of the Week:   If the actress had asked the director, 'What is my motivation?' I don't think he could have told her, because there is no explanation for anything she does.

Movie review on Amazon Prime

Create July 2020 by Freewayriding
August Create Challenge:
Nature Gets a Break

(And things that don't.)


Waymarker in the woods by Paigetheoracle. We don't know where he is. He probably doesn't, either. Somewhere in Scotland.




Moosehead at Yellowstone by RandyL. It's mounted, and on a wall at a lodge. Which is sad. But it's still beautiful.


Roadkill of the Week
Mystery Mammal by Paigetheoracle. It's dead, and we don't know what it was.

  • Create
  • Virtual Comfort Blanket.

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