The h2g2 Post: 30.12.19

2 Conversations

A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 30th December 2019

More Holiday Fun

Hooverville Gothic by Dmitri Gheorgheni Holiday season: joyous. Also hectic. We hope you will find time to relax and enjoy this issue of the h2g2 Post. There's nothing penultimate about this one: it's the last issue of the year. Next week will be the first issue of 2020. Isn't it odd how that works out? Okay, so if it's so obvious, why do people keep remarking on it? Seriously.

We have wonderful things for you. The answers to the Christmas Crossword. A lot of very humorous cartoons and comics (and one that is horrible and gloomy, please talk to Paigetheoracle, he needs help). Music: there's nothing you can do about it, the Editor has more keyboards per square foot than the average person. Speaking of music, Awix has done something very, very brave: he's been in the cinema and sat through Cats. He deserves a medal: you couldn't make me do this after seeing that trailer. Be sure to read this amazing review, and peruse our other delightful features.

A lot of collaboration has gone into some of this. FWR, Cactuscafé, and I all had a hand in the supernatural story 'Night Crossing'. I think you'll like it. A lot of back and forth and mutual inspiration led to the jokes, stories, and photographs you'll see this week.

h2g2ers from all over are sharing their news, views and…greetings. You're being greeted, people, so appreciate. Needless to say, optimistic wishes are being expressed in hopes that 2020 will be a banner year for the membership. Drop by and send your own beneficent prognostications.

Of course, the holiday season has to end, sadly, as Bluebottle would say, and January is hot on its heels. That means there's a new Create Challenge. This one involves phobias. We figure most of you can relate. Who doesn't have bureauphobia, or fear of Vogons? We just hope you aren't scriptophobic, so you can write something.

So, join in the fun, enjoy the rest of your holidays, and have a great week!

Quote of the Week:   I'd love to make an actual pinhole camera but it involves a box, retro film and chemically stuff.


Kitten under Christmas Tree by Mrs Hoggett

Update from Austria:
Nativity Scene in Austria
Tavaron: Baby Jesus arrived in the park!

Quote of the Year:   The Book of life has many pages and the storyline changes on each and every page.

The writer can't change each storyline even if they wanted to.

I can only hope and wish that each and every one of my friends are granted Health, Wealth and Happiness!

Professor Animal Chaos

Create January 2020 by Freewayriding
January Create Challenge:
Phobophobia: Phobias and the
Phobic Phobes Who Fear Them
Share Your Thoughts!

Dmitri Gheorgheni




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