Suzie Q Report: Somewhere in the Middle Ages

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Suzie Q Report: Somewhere in the Middle Ages

Superfrenchie went a-Suzie-Q-ing in the Ardennes recently. Here's what she found in the tiny village of Montcornet, where jubilant re-enacting doth take place.

She writes:

They have a medieval castle (in ruins), and in 2011, a bunch of history enthusiasts started building a "village" to show how the locals lived from the Iron Age to the 15th century. For the past few years, they've had a big weekend a year, showcasing what it will be like when it's complete (due to open in 2020, hopefully).

What are they reenacting? There are huts and tents and houses, all built/made according to the techniques of the different time periods, and the volunteers reenact bits of the daily life:
  • wood and bone carving, wool dying and spinning and weaving, cooking, metal work (that's the Celts/Gauls),
  • oil lamps, a Roman ballista, pottery (that's for the Gallo-Romans).
  • Honestly, we didn't get to see the other time periods, but I think there was a stone carver (medieval style), and medicinal herbs.
  • There are also shows, like the one about fighting gear and techniques, or falcon hunting, or jousting.
  • Oh, and there are also games, like child-sized ballistas and crossbows that the kids can aim at Roman or medieval soldier cut-outs. Great fun!

Personally, we love ballistas and crossbows, but would miss the bright orange pumpkins so essential to medieval North American warfare.

A demonstration of shield action in medieval FranceHow to make a bone comb
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