A Conversation for Legoland, Windsor, Berkshire, UK
Legoland 2018
Bluebottle Started conversation Jul 17, 2018
Changes for 2018
The 'Space Tower' ride has gone
Lego Friends Miniland has also gone, as have some of the shops in Heartlake City, so I'm guessing the area is being redeveloped.
Miniland itself has changed, with new America and Russia and India models, as well as Windsor Castle – the Wedding Party outside Windsor Castle earlier in the year and this month having the England
team outside Red Square were particularly nice topical touches, I thought – but the Millennium Wheel has gone.
The Batcave has gone and been replaced by Lego Reef, where you can virtually make one of three designs of fish and have it appear on a large interactive wall.
'Land of the Vikings' still exists, but only with two rides.
The 4D film this year is 'Ninjago: Master of the 4th Dimension' and really is very good
The train is closed, as is the path between Coastguard and Atlantis, as the area next to the railway tracks is a building site while the Haunted House is under construction. The Hill Train hasn't run so far this year either.
'Nexo Knights Kingdom' is back to being 'Knights Kingdom'
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Legoland 2018
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