What We're Doing in Our Copious Free Time The cat over there's not doing anything in particular. It's just there because the Editor worried that you might go into cat withdrawal. For this week, we have no kittehs. We have plants, all sorts, and a sort of snake-y lizard from Austria, and an impressive tortoise. We also have a wide assortment of quizzes, humorous sallies, and thoughtful essays. You're sure to enjoy this profusely illustrated issue.
Here are some of the highlights:
- Awix has sallied forth into the cinema again, and emerged with a thumbs-up on the Wonder Woman movie. Superhero lovers, rejoice. (The young folk in this neighbourhood had good things to say, also.)
- Bluebottle is back with more wordcraft from the Isle of Wight. Sharpen your wits with his quiz, then take on Weird Canada, and try to figure out why your English ancestors were wearing Erasmus Hats.
- Nature blooms splendidly in this week's issue. Not only is there a giant tortoise, but Tavaron is here to share what she found in her garden. It's colourful and interesting. Superfrenchie's sent us a double rainbow. In France, even the sky is more fashionable than elsewhere.
Last Sunday, our Robbie Stamp was invited to speak at the London TEDx event. His talk on the subject of grief was so moving that we've prevailed on him to share it with our readers. We think you'll agree that there's a lot of food for thought in what he said.- There is, as usual, a fair amount of filler here. But we protest that, unlike that sausage you Brits ate for breakfast this morning, our filler is nutritious. Groove on the snark. Enjoy the singing cubesats. Think about that Kandinsky painting, and write a caption. It will do your grey cells good. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
- Your Editor has decided it's time to have The Talk. So you get a pictorial lesson on reproduction. As long as the Moderators can live with the uncensored photo of a pregnant walnut. . .
- If you have garden photos, feel free to send them in so that readers can share in the beauty. This offer does not apply to Prof Animal Chaos, who does his home gardening with a flame thrower.
Remember: June's Create Challenge involves changing the past. So get into your time machines, and send us some stories, pictures, and Guide Entries! The world you save may be your own.
So read, enjoy, talk among yourselves till we get back. Which will be next week, with even more weirdness. And if I forgot to uncover the quiz answers again, you know who to shout at.
Have a great week of rare days in June!
Dmitri Gheorgheni