The h2g2 Poem: Rain Damage

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Dmitri says, 'This parody is not only awful, but it contains elliptical references, not to mention eclipsical ones. You'll kind of have to figure them out. It can pass for literary analysis.'

Rain Damage

The lunatic is seeing snow,
The lunatic is seeing snow,
Remembering suns and moonshine glow
Warming as he contemplates the snow.
While out in Sussex, cameras snap,
Anticipation going 'snap',
The pictures hold that folded energy in store,
And every hour my email box brings more.
And if the disappearance fails to scare the cat,
Although there is no light upon the hill,
And if your head explodes with odd ideas one by one,
I'll see you on the dark side of the sun.
Now call our friend in Germany,
She's cleaning house in Germany,
Raises the shade and sees the change,
'I think it's just about to rain.'
Puts on her mac,
And takes the front door key,
She's proof against eclipse in Germany.
And if the sun comes shining in your eyes,
You shout and no one seems surprised.
And if the link you've got starts playing just for fun,
I'll see you on the dark side of the sun.

With apologies to Pink Floyd, but not to the Austin Lounge Lizards.

Eclipse silhouette by Freewayriding.

Fact and Fiction by Dmitri Gheorgheni

Dmitri Gheorgheni

30.03.15 Front Page

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