Game of the Month Create Special: Create

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Released on a variety of formats in 2010 Create is a 'budget' 1a physics based puzzle game. It came out to mixed reviews, with top end being Official Xbox Magazine which gave it 8/10 and called it "expansive, varied and satisfying", while Games Radar gave it only 40% and told you to "buy a colouring book" instead. Many other reviews compared, rather unfavourably with Little Big Planet

The object of the game is to get from A to B using a variety of different tools. There are of, of course obstacles and hazards in the way too. It start off simply by making you put down ramps in order to get your car over a gap, but as the game progresses you get more varied tools and equipment. Balloons and rockets can help you get over bigger gaps, but don't use too many or you may never come down, oh , and do be careful not fly near the big spiky ball in the middle of the gap. There is even a level where you have to transport toast. As with most puzzlers there is a scoring system and certain challenges have different conditions imposed upon them. There is even a key object on some levels and certain multipliers can be triggered by using that alongside other objects. The number and type of tools that can be used on each level is restricted so when you think a rocket might just come in handy you don't have the option to choose one.

There are 14 stages set in places like Theme Parks, Outer Space and the Great Outdoors although you do return to a Darkworld version about halfway through the game. At the start of each level you are given the conditions needed to make a perfect run and an overview of the obstacles and hazards. There is also an online mode where you can create your own levels and play other people created levels. You can also pick up various animal stickers and paint brushes to decorate either the level you're playing or one you create.

If you're really good apparently you can complete the game in around 20 hours, but I guess my knowledge of physics is getting a bit rusty because I gave up after 25 with the game uncompleted. It was quite fun to begin with, after completing the boring tutorial, but quite frankly, I should have bought that colouring book.

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1Read that as cheap as chips - you can pick it up now brand new for less than a tenner

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