Biting into the Goodness You see that daisy? It's telling us something. Take a bite, a big bite. Go for the gusto. Reach out and grab the goodness.
Okay, that's a LOT easier to do if you're sitting where our photographer is, down in South Africa, enjoying the warm weather. The rest of us are freezing, cursing, and shoveling snow. Cactuscafe expresses our hemisphere-wide lament with her evocative image. We're hoping against hope that winter will go away soon. To that end, of course, the good Germans of Pennsylvania have set up an annual holiday, in which supplication is made to the Grundsau, or Official Ground Hog. Today, 2 February, is the appointed day, and Punxsutawney Phil will decide our fates, at least in North America.
So keep your fingers crossed.
In the meantime, our Contributors have come up with lots of stories to keep you entertained and your minds off the bad weather. Awix will tell you about the latest spy romp at the cinema. Willem will show you the daisy, and tell you all about the cutest little mouse, that rejoices in the unfortunate name of Fat Mouse. Nature is always interesting at the Post.
Our writing challenges keep everyone hopping. The January inventors have come up with the trihexaflexagon. Willem illustrates the instructions for bending, folding, and mutilating your mind here – and explains how you can use this device for time travel. Or could, if they hadn't lost the formula…oh, well.
In other challenge news, Freewayriding takes us to a distant battlefield. The landscape may be different, but the emotions seem awfully familiar…
To get you interested in all this genealogy business, we're quizzing you on famous ancestors. We've got lots of humour, plus human (and inhuman) interest in these pages as well. As always, we invite you to read, comment, and get inspired to write more.
Have a good week, and may the Grundsau bless your dwelling!
Dmitri Gheorgheni