Oddity of the Week: Saying It with Flowers
Created | Updated May 18, 2014
Some armies do useful things – like send flowers.
Flowers for Mrs Coolidge
This is a tale of an army airlift.
Well, that's what the Library of Congress says. Here's their description of this picture:
Salvation Army children of California send Mrs. Coolidge a gift of flowers by airplane. A beautiful basket of flowers sent by airplane by the children of the Salvation Army Home at Lytton Springs, California, was presented to Mrs. Coolidge at the White House today. Ketha Holtz, daughter of Staff-Captain Ernest R. Holtz, Potomac Divisional Commander of the Salvation Army in Washington and Robert Rose, son of Ensign Robert Rose of Salvation Army, are shown making the presentation which also included a message reading: "Dear Mrs Coolidge: We are sending you these flowers because we love you"
Isn't that a sweet picture? Look at Mrs Coolidge's face. She's obviously enjoying those kids. And wasn't that nice of the kids at the Salvation Army home? They had something nice, and they wanted to share with the First Lady. Because they loved her.
When you think about what those children didn't have in 1927, and that they lived in a home run by charity, well…you get our point.
Sometimes, flowers say a lot. What do yours say to you?