The Post Quiz: Our Solar System - Answers
Created | Updated Apr 6, 2014
The next time you're outdoors at night, stop and wave at the neighbours.
Our Solar System: Answers

We have only one thing to say for those who didn't get 100% on this quiz: Read the Guide. Our Edited Guide provides a wealth of astronomical and space-type information. Go searching. Oh, and remember to read the h2g2 Post's own Galaxy Babe's monthly report in 'Babe Among the Stars'. 'Nuff said..
Here are some answers for you.
- How many planets are there in the Sol system?. Eight. If you said, 'Nine,' you're old, you don't read the memos, or you're a curmudgeon. Pluto has been demoted to 'minor planet'. If you said 'seven', you're really old..
- On Earth, you weigh 60 kilograms. How much do you weigh on the Moon? A mere 10 kilos. Super weight-loss programme: get in a rocket.
- Can you snore in zero-g? No. This is good news for the weight-loss shuttle to Luna City.
- Repeat after us, 'My very eager Miss Jones slipped upon Nancy's potato.' O-kayyy…what does that mean for Earthlings? The planets in order from the Sun. Of course, you can tell that this mnemonic is kind of old: it includes that minor planet in the list Mercury-Venus-Earth-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto. But 'My very eager Miss Jones slipped upon Nancy' doesn't have the same ring to it.
- What is the closest star to Earth? The sun. Okay, trick question. The sun makes up more than 99% of our solar system's mass, by the way. Aren't you glad you know that?
- How much space dust falls on Earth every day? About 50 tonnes of the stuff. This has got to stop – no wonder we have allergies.
- Bergen-Enkheim is a nice neighbourhood in Frankfurt, Germany. You could also get to Bergen-Enkheim by space probe. How come? Bergen -Enkheim is also a minor planet. If a German astronomer can't name his discovery after his home neighbourhood, what's science for? It's as good a name as all those Roman mythology monikers.
- The Mars rovers are busy sending us pictures of the Red Planet's surface. If they'd bothered to take a person along, what would he/she be breathing? Canned air, we hope. The atmosphere over there is 95% carbon dioxide. The rovers don't care, as long as they have battery power.
- What is the Eye of Jupiter? A wandering storm front. So stop complaining about the Earth weather, or we'll send you there.
- What is the furthest planet from Earth that can be seen without a telescope? Saturn. After that, break out the glasses.
Now that you're super-savvy about our solar system, go and share the glad tidings with everyone you meet. You can connect with some great as trophysicists that way.